Saturday, February 16, 2013

This Beautiful Chaos

I realize that I keep promoting an eventual book review post... You just have to be patient. I, simply, just have no free time as of late. In fact, this post I feel will probably be abbreviated as well. With the upcoming end of the 2013 FIRST Robotics season only days away, I feel that a certain level of normalcy and regularity will return to my hectic life.

"Till all are one!"
At the end of our last season, I vowed to never undertake such a rigorous and unsupported task ever again. As we all know, however, once you get bit by the robot bug.... you never go back. It is like a bad robot girlfriend that I keep getting back together with. We did have a pretty successful, yet rocky season I will admit. In one year I was able to double the size of the team and create something that we can all very much be proud of. I seek not accolades for that is not the name of the game. I do this for the future of humanity.... that, and pizza.

I'm still not sure what all of this stuff does...

I often times find myself staring at the immense iTunes playlist on my computer. Sometimes I can just never find the right song. Right now I am stuck on a band from my youth... Something Corporate. The song, Konstantine, has been listened to over 100 times on this computer. Yet, I still know not the words to it.

A series of unfortunate events, while not directly entirely towards me, have occurred and will cause a significant ripple in the fabric of my day to day routine. On a side note, I do throughly enjoy beautiful chaos. Seemingly trivial things that people react to by running around with their arms flailing all about. It is just a bump in the road, as they say. This too... shall pass.

"It's always darkest before the dawn." my Uncle used to say that all the time. He was a wedding planner.

I do enjoy the eclectic nature of this post. Jumping from topic to topic... It reminds be of paisley. Not a paisley item, however. Just... paisley.

In closing, keep your stick on the ice!

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